
A Synodal Approach to Parish Administration

A well-planned and detailed document for a Priest new to a parish. A new Priest normally takes time to set…

Meeting Summary for Helena Jeppesen’s Presentation

Quick recap Dr. Helena Jeppersen-Spuhler, a prominent advocate for women’s equality, discussed her insights and the historic participation of women…
The First Ever Virtual Conversation in the Spirit

The First Ever Virtual Conversation in the Spirit

Join with fellow Christian Life Community members on January 30 for the first ever virtual Conversation in the Spirit, the…
Let’s Begin the New Year by Joining in a Synod

Let’s Begin the New Year by Joining in a Synod

Happy New Year! This is the year that we have the power to bring about changes in the Church that…
A Tribute to Women in the Synod

A Tribute to Women in the Synod

Created by Future Church
Students at the Table of Wisdom: Synod Report for October 25, 2023

Students at the Table of Wisdom: Synod Report for October 25, 2023

Synod delegates will vote on the proposed text of the “Letter to the People of God” this afternoon, Synod communications…
What’s happening at the Vatican October 11, 2023

What’s happening at the Vatican October 11, 2023

Greetings from Rome. My friend, Kathleen Ellertson, and I are now in Rome. We drove to St.Peter’s Square where there…

The Synodal Process in the Vicariate of Arabia involved 150.000 participants

(Transcription of the Video) Hi, I am Mathew Thomas coming from the United Arab Emirates. I am representing the two vicariates, the…

Session Times

There will be two sessions. Select the gathering most suitable for your time zone.  Here are the corresponding times for…
Staying Involved in the Synodal Process

Staying Involved in the Synodal Process

With the 1st phase of the Synod now behind us, it is time to make sure that the voices of…

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Speaking Out with One Unified Global Voice

"...Until we raise a common voice, we will not only not be heard, we will not even be listened to....   

My hope is that by speaking out together - a strong chorus of calls for reform - we can provide a common, a clear, a strong and ongoing voice for the yet incomplete vision of Vatican II.

In common cause, let us band together across the world. By our desire to be heard on particular issues - all of them important - let us not lose the strength of our common voice by reducing it to a whisper.

In light of this, we invite individuals and organizations to join together in making known our opinions for the good of our Church. By uniting our voices, it is not about abandoning the unique work of your organization but rather about how your work can enhance global reform."

Sr. Joan Chittister, CCRI Special advisor

"We have to join our forces in order to reach a real breakthrough in this window of opportunity." Hans Kung, CCRI Consultor

"When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion." [Ethiopian proverb]

"Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable." [Kenyan proverb]

"(The Christian faithful) have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful." (Canon 212 §3)

CCRI is also interested in helping support various causes in regions of the world by garnering the support of our entire global community for those who need support beyond their parish, organization, or locale. Send us (1) your name and affiliation, or (2) the name of your group with some description of your goals, membership, and numbers. Click here to see those organizations who have already joined together speaking out for reform of our Church.

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