A Synodal Approach to Parish Administration

A Resource Booklet

The Booklet: The booklet is divided into five parts that cover the basic functioning of parishes.

The details shared below have come to light while exploring the parish handover process when a new incumbent takes over.

A well-planned and detailed document for a Priest new to a parish. A new Priest normally takes time to set the ball rolling in a new or unknown parish effectively. It is often due to a lack of contextual
historical knowledge and resources of the new parish.

This booklet is a resource for documenting the various processes and
knowledge so that transfer sessions and handing over go smoothly.

Introduction: The introduction focuses on the Parish Handover – Takeover
Protocol. This activity was selected as it covers the complete aspect of parish
administration. A sample executive summary and handover checklist are included to
provide a comprehensive overview of parish administration.

    Planning: The planning section includes a tool to measure the current state of
    parish vibrancy resulting from effective parish administration. It also covers a
    sample of a parish pastoral plan. All parish activities are geared to facilitate the achievement of the pastoral plan goal.

    Operations: The parish operations section covers all the parish functions carried
    out to run an effective parish aligned to meeting the goals of the pastoral
    plan. It includes the parish calendar, ministries councils, and the parish diary among

    Administration: The parish administration section covers the systems and
    processes along with templates and documentation required to maintain the smooth
    functioning of the parish. It also includes the parish code of canon law.

    Annexures: The Annexure section provides outlines, examples, and
    details of all activities mentioned in parts 1-4. It also provides some researched
    general information to assist readers in appreciating the different aspects shared in
    the booklet.

    Click here for the PDF Booklet. Feel free to download it and share it with others.

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